An Introduction to Low-Latency Scripting for Game Engines, Part 5
Scripting with Rust
You can find the project here. With the RISC-V toolchain installed, it should build and run without modification.
This is a series, starting with Part 1 here. The first two parts are C++, while part 3 is about Nelua, and part 4 is about Nim. Now, onto Rust.
Basic setup
In order to keep symbols we care about, apparently we need a nightly feature. Incantation time:
rustup +nightly target add riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu
This (hopefully) installs the nightly version of the riscv64gc toolchain with standard library support. I’m not a Rust expert, so please let me know if I am wrong about anything here.
Let’s cargo init
to create a new empty project in a folder and drop a toolchain config in .cargo/config.toml
target = "riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu"
linker = "riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc-12"
rustflags = ["-C", "target-feature=+crt-static","-Zexport-executable-symbols"]
This will use our system RISC-V linker and stop rustc from dropping our exported symbols. And finally, it also makes binaries static. It is strange to me that a Rust toolchain can’t link a program on its own. But, we have RISC-V toolchains from the packaging system. It’s all good.
Let’s see if a basic Rust program works:
use std::thread;
const NTHREADS: u32 = 10;
// This is the `main` thread
fn main() {
// Make a vector to hold the children which are spawned.
let mut children = vec![];
for i in 0..NTHREADS {
// Spin up another thread
children.push(thread::spawn(move || {
println!("this is thread number {}", i);
for child in children {
// Wait for the thread to finish. Returns a result.
let _ = child.join();
And then run the helper build script:
cargo +nightly build --release
Leading to:
this is thread number 0
this is thread number 1
this is thread number 2
this is thread number 3
this is thread number 4
this is thread number 5
this is thread number 6
this is thread number 7
this is thread number 8
this is thread number 9
>>> myscript initialized.
Seems to work! We can work with this!
Creating callable functions
extern "C" fn test1() {
In order to verify that we can call it, we will grep for test1:
$ riscv64-linux-gnu-readelf -a target/riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu/release/rust_program | grep test1
103232: 0000000000014cda 98 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 4 test1
It’s a long incantation, but it works. The symbol is there!
I tried creating a fair allocation benchmark:
extern "C" fn test2() {
// Benchmark global allocator
let layout = std::alloc::Layout::from_size_align(1024, 8).expect("Invalid layout");
unsafe {
let raw: *mut u8 = alloc::alloc(layout);
std::alloc::dealloc(raw, layout);
But I’m not a Rust expert. It clocked in at ~320ns. One very nice thing about Rust is that it’s excellent at embedded work. Looking at custom allocators, it seems like it’s possible to override the global allocator.
extern crate alloc;
use alloc::alloc::Layout;
use alloc::alloc::GlobalAlloc;
use std::arch::asm;
const NATIVE_SYSCALLS_BASE: i32 = 490;
struct SysAllocator;
unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for SysAllocator {
unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 {
let ret: *mut u8;
asm!("ecall", in("a7") NATIVE_SYSCALLS_BASE + 0,
in("a0") layout.size(), in("a1") layout.align(),
lateout("a0") ret);
return ret;
unsafe fn alloc_zeroed(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 {
let ret: *mut u8;
asm!("ecall", in("a7") NATIVE_SYSCALLS_BASE + 1,
in("a0") layout.size(), in("a1") 1, lateout("a0") ret);
return ret;
unsafe fn realloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, _layout: Layout, new_size: usize) -> *mut u8 {
let ret: *mut u8;
asm!("ecall", in("a7") NATIVE_SYSCALLS_BASE + 2,
in("a0") ptr, in("a1") new_size, lateout("a0") ret);
return ret;
unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, _layout: Layout) {
asm!("ecall", in("a7") NATIVE_SYSCALLS_BASE + 3,
in("a0") ptr, lateout("a0") _);
static A: SysAllocator = SysAllocator;
While this isn’t appropriate for a guide, I’m learning here too. So, what this does is call the scripting systems native heap-related system calls for alloc, calloc, realloc and free. I have written extensively about these before, so I won’t go into detail here, but their purpose is to accelerate the performance of heap operations. The new timing for the benchmark is now:
Benchmark: std::make_unique[1024] alloc+free Elapsed time: 27ns
.. which is a 12x reduction in run-time. A brutal improvement. Now we’re not afraid of using heap allocations like any normal Rust program.
The only thing I didn’t quite understand was, well, the only way I could figure out how to get the allocator into my final program was to add this line at the top of
#[path = ""] mod sysalloc;
Is there a better way? I’m OK with it, but it would be nice to know what idiomatic bring-in-other-file looks like.
Moving on to the data test:
struct Data {
a: i32,
b: i32,
c: i32,
d: i32,
e: f32,
f: f32,
g: f32,
h: f32,
i: f64,
j: f64,
k: f64,
l: f64,
buffer: [u8; 32],
extern "C" fn test4(d: Data) {
println!("test4 {:?}", d);
The data test turned out to be the shortest among all languages so far. The only difference is that it prints the fixed-size string as a byte array. But that’s OK, we can see that the string is there:
test4 Data { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5.0, f: 6.0, g: 7.0, h: 8.0, i: 9.0, j: 10.0, k: 11.0, l: 12.0,
buffer: [72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }
I was not able to build this Rust project with RISC-V compressed instructions disabled, which affected latencies a bit, but not overly much:
extern "C" fn measure_overhead() { }
extern "C" fn bench_dyncall_overhead() {
unsafe { dyncall3() };
With the results:
Call overhead: 11ns
Benchmark: Overhead of dynamic calls Elapsed time: 10ns
I think we should have a look at the assembly, just in case. These are abnormally high.
0000000000014dd4 <measure_overhead>:
14dd4: 8082 ret
Looks good!
0000000000014dd6 <bench_dyncall_overhead>:
14dd6: fffff317 auipc t1,0xfffff
14dda: 3a030067 jr 928(t1) # 14176 <dyncall3>
That’s an amazing 2 instructions to build an address and jump to it. I’m surprised. Alright, where is the problem then? I just forgot to add the fast_exit
helper function. In theory libriscv could just patch the program, but I try to avoid it if I can. What happens instead is I add a second execute segment with just the exit function by default. However it’s always faster when the exit function (used to end function calls into the VM) is in the main execute segment. Hence, if you have a symbol called fast_exit
, libriscv will use it.
Call overhead: 4ns
Benchmark: std::make_unique[1024] alloc+free Elapsed time: 25ns
Benchmark: Overhead of dynamic calls Elapsed time: 9ns
As an added bonus, the alloc+free benchmark is also faster.
Alright, we’ve matched the other programs except test5. However, I have no doubt that Rust is quite capable of passing data back and forth. Instead, what I’m wondering is if it makes sense to accelerate memory operations.
$ riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -d rust_program | grep memset | wc -l
$ riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -d rust_program | grep memcpy | wc -l
Looks like it does!
Accelerating memory operations
The easiest way to override memset, memcpy and memmove is using linker wrap. So let’s just start with passing the linker arguments to rustflags in .cargo/config.toml:
"-C", "link_args=-Wl,--wrap=memcpy,--wrap=memmove,--wrap=memset"
The binary should now correctly no longer build:
/bin/ld: (.text+0x170a): undefined reference to `__wrap_memset'
A bunch of undefined references to the functions we are going to get native performance from. Alright, if you can’t follow this next part, don’t worry. It’s a bit of inline assembly that invokes the system calls related to memory operations. I did my best to follow the inline assembly documentation:
pub fn __wrap_memcpy(dest: *mut u8, src: *const u8, n: usize) -> *mut u8
unsafe {
"li a7, 495+0",
in("a0") dest,
in("a1") src,
in("a2") n,
return dest;
pub fn __wrap_memset(s: *mut u8, c: i32, n: usize) -> *mut u8
unsafe {
"li a7, 495+1",
in("a0") s,
in("a1") c,
in("a2") n,
return s;
pub fn __wrap_memmove(dest: *mut u8, src: *const u8, n: usize) -> *mut u8
unsafe {
"li a7, 495+2",
in("a0") dest,
in("a1") src,
in("a2") n,
return dest;
pub fn __wrap_memcmp(s1: *const u8, s2: *const u8, n: usize) -> i32
let result: i32;
unsafe {
"li a7, 495+3",
in("a0") s1,
in("a1") s2,
in("a2") n,
lateout("a0") result,
options(nostack, readonly)
return result;
With this, the performance of memory operations should improve. Let’s change the allocation benchmark to also set each byte to zero:
let raw: *mut u8 = alloc::alloc(layout);
for i in 0..1024 {
*raw.add(i) = 0;
std::alloc::dealloc(raw, layout);
The .add()
function confused me, but it’s a helper to access pointer offsets based on the pointers own type. Docs. Benchmarking this without the linker-wrap gives us a costly memory operation:
Benchmark: std::make_unique[1024] alloc+memset+free Elapsed time: 251ns
And re-enabling the helper system calls, we see that it’s a little bit more expensive than just allocating/deallocating, but not by much:
Benchmark: std::make_unique[1024] alloc+memset+free Elapsed time: 41ns
Subtracting the known allocation cost, gives us 41–25 = 16ns. Oh, it’s a 13x run-time reduction. That’s awesome! I guess that concludes the acceleration (can we call it that?) of the Rust environment. It wouldn’t do to have it perform worse then C/C++ environments just because of lack of care.
With all this in place, it seems the basic Rust environment is fully in place. Due to my lack of Rust skills, I won’t try to create anything fancy with this. But maybe you will?
mod sysalloc;
mod dyncalls;
use std::alloc;
use std::thread;
use dyncalls::*;
const NTHREADS: u32 = 10;
// This is the `main` thread
fn main() {
// Make a vector to hold the children which are spawned.
let mut children = vec![];
for i in 0..NTHREADS {
// Spin up another thread
children.push(thread::spawn(move || {
println!("this is thread number {}", i);
for child in children {
// Wait for the thread to finish. Returns a result.
let _ = child.join();
let i = unsafe { dyncall1(0x12345678) };
println!("dyncall1: {}", i);
extern "C" fn test1(a: i32, b: i32, c: i32, d: i32) -> i32 {
println!("test1 was called with {}, {}, {}, {}", a, b, c, d);
return a + b + c + d;
extern "C" fn test2() {
// Benchmark global allocator
let layout = std::alloc::Layout::from_size_align(1024, 8).expect("Invalid layout");
unsafe {
let raw: *mut u8 = alloc::alloc(layout);
std::alloc::dealloc(raw, layout);
struct Data {
a: i32,
b: i32,
c: i32,
d: i32,
e: f32,
f: f32,
g: f32,
h: f32,
i: f64,
j: f64,
k: f64,
l: f64,
buffer: [u8; 32],
extern "C" fn test4(d: Data) {
println!("test4 {:?}", d);
extern "C" fn measure_overhead() { }
extern "C" fn bench_dyncall_overhead() {
unsafe { dyncall3() };
The final program looks quite OK. All the environment-related and API-related is in another module. And running it:
$ bash
~/github/libriscv/examples/gamedev/rust_program ~/github/libriscv/examples/gamedev
Compiling rust_program v0.1.0 (/home/gonzo/github/libriscv/examples/gamedev/rust_program)
Finished `release` profile [optimized] target(s) in 1.02s
this is thread number 0
this is thread number 1
this is thread number 2
this is thread number 3
this is thread number 4
this is thread number 5
this is thread number 6
this is thread number 7
this is thread number 8
this is thread number 9
dyncall1 called with argument: 0x12345678
dyncall1: 42
>>> myscript initialized.
test1 was called with 1, 2, 3, 4
test1 returned: 10
Call overhead: 4ns
Benchmark: std::make_unique[1024] alloc+free Elapsed time: 25ns
test4 Data { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5.0, f: 6.0, g: 7.0, h: 8.0, i: 9.0, j: 10.0, k: 11.0, l: 12.0, buffer: [72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }
Benchmark: Overhead of dynamic calls Elapsed time: 10ns
We have sandboxed Rust! Thanks for reading!